Globally youth in science have a high tendency of failure whilst conducting their research in the science. The goal of science is advance the lives of human being and to understand nature. The thought to be able to think about complex theories is what is remarkable. Dr. Vladimir Sucha who has faced several challenges to the extent that he was banned from studying both in High School and University. Furthermore, their lab did not have the adequate equipment to enable them to conduct their research and what they did is to reach out to world for assistance. With all issues, he conducted his research in these poor conditions and he became the youngest professor and top scientist in his field, which represents possibilities in the worst. Your success as a researcher is driven by the belief in your mind and passion but not the material and infrastructural conditions. He also wanted to see his knowledge applied which has lead him to lead a group of scientists at the EU. They are following big trends and using different scientific method to tackle issues.
The most critical questions can be answered by the youths. How do you overcome the tsunami of data? How do we reinvent education? How do we reinvent policies? These answers can emerge from the minds of young people in Africa. As we join hands, we can put science in the heart of policy and impact decision making in Africa. Youths with mathematics potential should be trained through mentorship because it plays a key role in the process as it will ensure trust is built and this will facilitate problem solving, relating to the specific needs of Africa.
Prof Dr. Klitzing a Nobel Laureate highlighted that if young people are given the right opportunities they can generate new knowledge and answer the question of how we can make things faster and better in Africa ranging in all sectors. To innovate you must gain the freedom to follow a new direction. Once you do that, the future is in your hands. In science the unexpected things are the great things.
Prof. Neil Turok, founder of AIMS reiterated that young scientist should sustain passion for the topic they are researching on. Living things are the most fascinating things in the world because our primitive mind can understand the universe. Einstein wanted a consistent picture of the universe. Human beings have some extraordinary capabilities which can be discovered by science and all the changes can be solved by science ranging from politics, development, economy, climate change etc.
Dr. Wilfred Ndifon, a NEF Fellow at the beginning of his career did not want to do biology because mathematics was simpler for him. He was also exposed to scientific research before his studies in U.S on medicine. He saw a huge potential in mathematics which was his passion. Mathematics is an excellent language in understanding hypothesis and had potentials of making a bigger impact which lead him to combine mathematics with biology.
Prof. Maha Nasr, a NEF Fellow was raised in a family that had all their career in the engineering field. She believed that people who suffered from diseases are the most vulnerable. She is passionate about tailoring pharmaceutical science to benefit people using Nano technology in addressing the issues which can help you benefit and get better without no side effects. It is changing lives, and she is making an impact in the lives of people.
To motivate young people there should be a reward attached to it, but we must never work for the reward.
Prof. Klaus von Klitzing highlighted that all Nobel Laureate were not looking for the award but for solutions to transform the world with their research. Scientists can be fascinated by the mathematics and loose with reality. Einstein mentioned, to understand nature we need to use mathematics. We must create new mathematical space for people to think. We are here to make breakthroughs and discoveries about nature like Einstein not just publishing papers. Most researchers have not lived to what science is really about. Let’s learn on failure reorganize our thinking and learn from it. To be motivated keep motivating people, from there you can be motivated. Get your source of strength from who you are and draw strength from your studies and challenges you are faced with. It is a long-term investment in science especially on basic science. It is as well a long-term investment to achieve a noble laureate.
April 4, 2018