Benjamin Obeng
Benjamin Obeng is a biomedical engineer with over 4 years of hands-on experience in the production of mobility devices and management and repairs of a wide variety of hospital equipment. At Aleph Engineering he leads a multidisciplinary team of experienced medical professionals and computer programmers to develop hardware and software solutions fir for the local context, to enhance healthcare especially for children. He designs and produces high quality mobility devices for children with cerebral palsy and other mobility disorder using affordable, durable and eco-friendly materials. Leveraging a web platform, he provides access to mobility devices and specialized therapists through an online store, online bookings and virtual forums for health professionals. He is an alumnus of the University of Ghana’s Department of Biomedical Engineering where, for his final year project, he worked on producing affordable mobility devices that enhance rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. He is a Fellow of the UNICEF start-up lab, a co-working space where members work closely with UNICEF staff in creating business solutions geared towards social impact. He and his team won the SDG Hackathon in 2019, a national pitching competition on business solutions that provide sustainable social impact.