Percy Lemtukei
Driven by passion for impactful innovation and the magic of science solutions, Percy Lemtukei, an MSC Computational intelligence student and an informatics graduate strives to change the lives of people through technology. He is a serial innovator with projects and pending patents across different sectors, anchored on the pyramid of positive transformation. He founded a company that has received global recognition for developing comprehensive solutions with proof of impact. Savanna Circuit is a manufacturer and last mile distributor of MaziwaPlus solar milk chilling-on-transit systems. The product was developed to address the “poor producer, un- satisfied consumer” syndrome in the dairy value chain. Through an integration of a software platform and a mobile cold chain hardware, the solution has successfully transported over a million liters of milk, not a liter getting spoilt, hence increasing farmer income by 15 percent during the pilot period. To prove our value proposition to our users, we on-boarded 7,000 farmers for a six-month long pilot and all had these to say: “this is the ultimate tool for our transition from smallholders to shareholders.”