Lawrence Banks

February 1, 2020


Lawrence Banks

Editor of the Journal of Virology and FEBS Journal

Session: Parallel Session: “From Basic Research to the Global Elimination of Cervical Cancer”

March 12, 2020

14:00 – 15:15

Lawrence received his Degree in Microbiology in 1981 and his PhD from Leeds University, UK in 1984. His term as Director-General of the ICGEB commenced on 1 July 2019. Scientific Coordinator of the ICGEB from 2016 – June 2019 he has been Group Leader of the Tumour Virology Laboratory at ICGEB Trieste, Italy since 1990. 

He is Editor of the Journal of Virology and FEBS Journal, and is on the Editorial Boards of Antiviral Therapy, Virus Research and Biological Chemistry. He has organised over 15 major international workshops on Human Papillomaviruses, on Leishmania and on DNA Tumor Viruses.

He has served on Grant Review and PhD Examination Committees of numerous scientific organisations in Italy and abroad, including the Human Frontiers Science Program, DKFZ, and WHO IARC, and is Research Degree Coordinator in ICGEB for the Open University UK. His current research interest focuses on Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs), the causative agents of a number of human tumours, the most important of which is cervical cancer, a major cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide. His laboratory has made ground breaking contributions to our understanding of how HPV enters the cell and subsequently brings about changes resulting in malignancy. 

He has published over 220 papers in peer-reviewed, international journals.